Sunday, April 10, 2011

Anna -rich stock option incentive plan for the first time on matters relating to the notice granted

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    Stock code: 002 327 securities referred to: Anna Fu Bulletin No. :2011-017
    Shenzhen Fu Anna Houseware Co., Ltd. on the stock options matters related incentive plan for the first time granted a notice
    the Company and its directors, supervisors and senior management personnel to ensure that notice is true, accurate and complete, not false or misleading statements or material omissions.
    Shenzhen Fu Anna Houseware Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as The meeting decided to grant incentive target of 175 companies total
    223.3 million stock options, grant date is February 23, 2011, the exercise price of 34.24 yuan, the specific circumstances of notice as follows:
    First, the equity incentive plans have been outlined and the relevant approval procedures performed in 2011 for the first time the company Extraordinary General Meeting approved the company's first stock option incentive plan (draft) revised version (hereinafter referred to as objects 2,402,000 incentive stock options were. Male
    Second Division reviewed and approved the eleventh meeting of the Board awarded the first object changed from the 175 to 186, a corresponding option from the 2,mac makeup,668,800 total adjustment of 248 million copies. Each stock option has an authorized within five years from the date of the vesting date, exercise price and vesting conditions of stock purchase rights of an Anna-rich, to be awarded the first 175 objects 2,233,000 incentive options were also set aside 247,000 copies. Authorized part of the first price of 34.24 yuan exercise.
    The equity incentive approval process to perform the following:
    1,2010 on July 20, second-fifth session of the Board (provisional) meeting passed the
    Anna rich city of the first phase of home appliances Co., Ltd. Stock Option Incentive Plan (Draft) January 21, 2011, the company the second session of the Board of Directors of the tenth (provisional)
    meeting examined and adopted the 2011 First Extraordinary General Meeting of the
    4,2011 on February 23, commissioned by the company shareholders, the company eleventh second session of the Board (provisional)
    meeting this mandate equity incentive plan, establish authorized to date is February 23, 2011.
    Second, the Board of Directors meets the conditions of this grant's instructions
    equity incentive plan under the relevant provisions of Article VII, the Company granted equity incentive conditions:
    1, the company either did not occur as the situation:
    (1) the most recent fiscal year financial reports issued by certified public accountants expressed negative opinions or views of the audit report can not be;
    (2 ) recent year due to illegal activities of major administrative punishment by the CSRC;
    (3) Other circumstances recognized by the CSRC.
    2, incentive object is not following any of the cases occurred:
    (1) Stock Exchange last 3 years was publicly condemned or declared to be inappropriate candidates;
    < p> (2) the last 3 years due to illegal activities of major administrative punishment by the CSRC's;
    (3) with The.
    the Board after review, that the company and motivate the object did not occur or does not belong to any of these circumstances, equity
    incentive grant conditions are ripe.
    Third, on the object of this incentive and options granted to the number and general meeting of stockholders equity incentive plan description of differences in the original incentive target Ni due to the recent study, Fan Rong, Wei Ping, Yao Zhongyu, LIBRARY AND Wang Haiming , Dong Dong, Liu Qingfu, Liao Lili, Zhang Jing, Zhang Bao leaving a total of 11 persons or personal reasons, it has not met the conditions of a share incentive target, based on equity incentive plan, the company adjusted the object of incentives, for the first time The award changed from the 175 to 186, the first time,vibram 5 fingers, were awarded the amount of change from the 2.402 million 2.233 million copies, taking into account the options set aside part of the total can not exceed 10% of options will be reserved for some of the 266,800 down to 247,000 copies copies, 2,668,800 options were adjusted by the total amount of 248 million copies. Specific adjusted and the corresponding share of the incentive target list, see Article IV of this announcement,
    The second session of the Board of Directors by the company to adjust the eleventh (provisional) meeting examined and approved, the Second Board of Supervisors
    tenth (provisional) meeting to consider the matter, independent directors to form an independent opinion on the matter while lawyers issued a
    Fourth, the date of grant of stock options granted to the object, the number and exercise price to grant Anna FUANNA Shenzhen Fu Fu Houseware Co., Ltd. announced Anna (2011)
    1, the time stock option grant date: 23 February 2011

    3, The exercise price of equity incentive: 34.24
    V. The operating capacity of the company's equity incentive affect the company's financial situation and determine the grant date of February 23, 2011, under the Company earnings per share and net assets of the year yield some impact. Circumstances the following table:
    year 20112012201320142015 total cost of the annual amortization 846.70998.27670.39364.6948.662928.70 options (million)
    VI, Board of Supervisors on equity incentive object list to verify the situation the object of incentives by the Board of Supervisors to verify the list, the following comments:
    1, at the time the board of supervisors, company officers change positions, so the company adjusted the object of incentives, from 186 incentive target was adjusted to 175, while the corresponding number of stock options to adjust. Are granted after the company adjusted the object the first time in 2011, adopted by the Extraordinary General Meeting to consider the related stock option incentive plan personnel.
    2, the object of this incentive award with publicly condemned or declared to be inappropriate candidates, and there is no recent illegal activities within three years of major administrative punishment by the CSRC situation, in line with China Securities Regulatory Commission,mac makeup wholesale, 1-3
    seven independent directors comments
    1, in view of the company related to a change of personnel positions, some object is no longer consistent with incentive stock options
    incentive plan licensing conditions, the Board agreed to grant incentives to the target list for the first time to adjust, adjust
    Shenzhen Fu Fu Anna Anna FUANNA Houseware Co., Ltd. Bulletin (2011) after the company adjusted the stock option incentive plan 2.48 million copies, of which 2,233,000 were granted the first time to set aside 247,000 copies;
    the first time, the object of incentives granted by the adjustment of 186 175 people.
    2, Board of Directors Stock Option Incentive Plan to determine the authorization date February 23, 2011, the authorization at break
    together ,
    3,mac brushes, after adjusting for stock option incentive plan to grant stock options identified for the first time the object does not exist against incentive stock options granted to the situation, encouraging the legal qualification of the object, effective, and the scope of incentive objects determine the actual situation in line with the company and the actual needs of business development.
    Therefore, we agree to first determine the company's authorized stock option incentive plan at the February 23, 2011, and agreed to the adjusted actual stock option incentive plan to grant incentive stock options granted to the object.
    eight lawyers legal opinion concluding observations on the Bank of Beijing law firm on matters related to this license issue legal opinions, that:
    1, this option is granted has been made stage of the necessary approvals and authorizations;
    2, this incentive options were granted on the number of objects and the adjustment of stock options consistent with the
    3, this option grant date to determine the specific compliance incentives granted object does not exist do not meet the
    nine, other matters that
    1, in the six months before this grant, the directors, supervisors and senior management have not been carried out acts of dealing in the company's shares.
    2, according to the latest requirements, pay personal income tax due to equity incentive can be paid within six months after vesting. And the Company under the relevant provisions of the equity incentive plan, the company promised not to provide any incentive objects right financial and financial support, the object of all incentive funds will exercise self way to get through.
    X. reference file
    1, the second the eleventh session of the Board (provisional) Conference Resolution
    2, the second session of the Board of Supervisors of the tenth (provisional ) resolutions of the meeting Shenzhen Fu Fu Anna Anna FUANNA Houseware Co., Ltd. Notice (2011)
    3, the independent opinion of the directors
    4, Bank of Beijing law firm related to the mandate of this issues legal opinions
    is hereby announced.
    Shenzhen Fu Anna Houseware Co., Ltd.
    February 23, 2011

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