Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tips to avoid muscle soreness after exercise - Outdoor Sports - thousands of China Forum - Anshan 's own forum - - Powered by Discuz!

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Level: poor peasants, 10 points, 40 points from the next level need to idle # 1 Posted at 2011-1-10 10:16 | Show author | Reverse Browse | Print Many people often after intense exercise the muscles swell, joint pain, mental fatigue feeling. In severe cases, may affect the next day's work or study. So learn to avoid muscle soreness after exercise is essential!
Activity in a large workout, often have muscle aches. This is not muscle soreness occurs immediately after exercise, but in 1-2 days after exercise, it is called delayed onset pain. Especially those who act against gravity and against strong resistance from the action, more prone to sore muscles, spinning to the latter. This is a normal reaction, but if you really do not want to have this experience, you can reduce the intensity of training.
in the event of a muscle soreness, we can take to do stretching exercises, applied ointment, ice, warm water bath and sauna and other methods to relieve pain. However, these methods can only provide temporary relief, in the exercise, we should note the following:
1. According to the different constitution, different arrangements for health science training load, do not blindly try to be brave;
2 . exercise, try to avoid prolonged exercise focused on a certain part of the body in order to avoid an excessive burden on local muscle;
3. for preparation,mac brushes, attention to local muscle exercise will move more fully;
4. Movement Note that after a general relaxation exercises, stretching muscles pull attention to practice.
mostly due to muscle soreness caused by muscle damage,mac makeup, as, like other sports injuries,vibram 5 fingers, damage to the muscles must be allowed adequate time to recover. If unavoidable, muscle soreness in the form of training after school, they can only give one more, two days rest.
Also, do not rush right after a workout to take a bath, it is very easy to influence the body's blood circulation, increase the burden on the heart. Steam bath and sauna, especially if used immediately after training can easily lead to dizziness, nausea and even heart failure. Therefore, after exercise, do some simple exercises to relax and thrust, must be such as heart rate 120 beats per minute in the following 5-10 minutes, the body,
order to expedite the lifting of fatigue, to buy some chicken, fish, meat, eggs eat a big meal, thinking that it can add nutrition to meet the body needs. In fact, when eating these foods will not only not conducive to fatigue, but have an adverse effect on the body.
Finally, people in the exercise, should eat more alkaline foods such as fruits, vegetables, soy products, so as to maintain the basic balance the body pH to maintain human health, as soon as possible to eliminate movement caused by fatigue.

an exercise causes pain arising from muscle soreness
more complex mechanisms, including the following aspects: ① lactic acid accumulation. ② muscle spasm. ③ muscle fibers or connective tissue damage. ④ other factors. If a difference between organizations or acute inflammation of the osmotic pressure, also can cause muscle soreness. Usually manual labor or heavy load, the body will feel very tired because the body produces a lot of lactic acid, so sore after exercise produced a normal thing.
Second, the solution causes pain
movement as long as you do develop a 10-15 minute warm-up before exercising Warm-up, this can inform the heart muscle and Larsson you will exercise. 10-15 minutes after exercise done by Cool-down stretch muscles and keep the blood drive is conducive to the exercise lactic acid away. In addition to warming up and stretching before and after exercise outside, but also to ensure adequate rest, nutrition, pain disappeared in the training of the muscles before they can again. Beginning of training is most important is overcoming the delayed soreness pain, stick to it. After a period of training, the body will mobilize more motor units to adapt to the training intensity, pain will reduce or even disappear. We can appropriately increase the training intensity.
Third, analysis of various sports pain
1, muscle aches and strains
muscle soreness and injury is a significant difference. In fact, muscle aches and pains are a normal, active physical performance. People often do not adapt to strength training or a (relatively large amount of exercise or new sports, etc.) after exercise training, resulting in significant muscle soreness and discomfort. The rest of these symptoms will disappear naturally over time, when again the same symptoms during exercise significantly reduced muscle soreness or no. The movement caused by muscle strain is different, muscle or ligament injury can cause a large area of ​​skeletal muscle pathological changes, such as cell degeneration, necrosis, etc., affect not only continue to exercise or training, but also may lead to more serious consequences.
strain and muscle soreness of the self-identification
strained muscles and ligaments, an injury due to the sudden movement, and muscle soreness is gradually increased to. One way to distinguish between the two: muscle pain can be relieved by stretching, and if a sports injury, traction but makes the pain worse. In short, post-exercise muscle soreness and muscle (or ligament) injury completely different in nature. Muscle aches can rest, stretch, massage and other relief. The muscles (or ligament) injury, you have to use medical means to solve.
2, the small leg pain after exercise is generally overworked

the past due to irregular, regular exercise shoes, it will be suited there. This situation often encountered in the early movement.
Solution: feet with hot water, massage can, if serious, can be affixed to point balm
back pain after exercise, the amount you exercise too much and lead to muscle suited the future with the increasing amount of exercise will gradually adapt to the!
solution: before exercise, after exercise are due to do some relaxation exercise, exercise helps to expand the muscles to relax before, opened the ligaments, the muscles in a state of readiness before exercise to help the back muscles during exercise play, you can effectively control muscle strain. exercise movements help to relax the muscles inside the creatine excretion, to just relax the muscles in strenuous exercise , fast recovery,blackhawks jerseys, the most important is to reduce pain or hurt.
special emphasis is usually little movement, and occasionally have to exercise a kind of their own not too tired to type, it is inevitable back pain the next day. So people do not pay attention to regular exercise in moderation, but otherwise harmful.
4, abdominal pain, sports medicine in sports this
called This pain is because of poor exercise habits and produce, such as stomach cramps early involved nerve as strenuous exercise after a meal, or overeat, drink too much cause stomach cramps, mostly in the upper abdomen area. Is usually pain, severe paroxysmal cramps. One o'clock, or internal organs can not meet the needs caused by strenuous exercise, the location of the pain occurred in the liver and spleen.
Another is the movement of a large dose of salt due to the loss of too much water, causing metabolic disorders, together with rectus spasm can cause fatigue, resulting in severe pain.
solution: exercise time, be sure to choose the meal for an hour, the best in sports drink salt water and some sports drinks, sports is a good breathing and movement to adjust the frequency of law, rather than the nose as far as possible mouth breathing. After a period of exercise, heart and lung function improved. Abdominal pain will disappear. Favorite 0 Share 0 replies Reference Report Back to top
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