Friday, April 22, 2011

No matter where are air conditioning and take care of

    , And the skin appears to be pampered, in fact, been behind the scenes in the damaged, the initiative could not have air conditioning Ice, try not to allow skin to breathe free air, spray and drinking water to bring moisture and always everywhere to their own pay, per a period of time to walk around, doing massage to the skin, many small habits that can defend your skin! !

    1, buy a bottle of white vinegar, wash your face every time, put a small basin of water, pour a cap so much more than orange vinegar

    2, into the water and mix thoroughly, flew at his face, happy face may be immersed in a good, warm water, cold water can

    3, then the water drained, and then beginning of the normal wash process, with facial

    Vinegar ten strokes

    1, wash the skin with vinegar bright: the face washed in 20ml of vinegar in warm water wash, then rinse with water;

    2, smooth skin with vinegar bath: to 250ml of apple cider vinegar into the bath tub, soak 10 minute, like hot springs, so that the skin of the weak acid to maintain healthy situation;

    3, gargle with vinegar to beware of a cold: when you feel somewhat comfortable, like a cold, you can pour 20ml vinegar in a cup, then diluted with water 5-6 times, to mouth;

    4, vinegar, soy foam treatment of constipation, high blood pressure: raw beans into a large pot , three times the vinegar soak into the 4 days, 5 days from the beginning of 5-10 eat soy tablets, to treat constipation and hypertension. Stored in the refrigerator, it can extend the retention period;

    5, containing rich calcareous eggshell vinegar: Put a raw egg wash, into the 180ml vinegar, the foam 3 days, 3 days after the stirring with chopsticks, you can throw away the thin-skinned. 5-7 times daily with water mixed with two teaspoons of vinegar to drink; if coupled with a spoonful of honey, features better;

    6, salt, vinegar and water can cure disease and cold feet athlete's foot: a liter of hot water (heat bath), the participation in a tablespoon of salt and a little more than 3100ml of vinegar, soak the feet for about 10-20 minutes, and can improve cold feet and athlete's foot;

    7, vinegar mixed with flour to treat sprains, bruises: When you are injured or hurt, the ability to 120ml of vinegar and 100 grams of flour into a paste, wipe the affected area in gauze posted , and then paste in the outer layer of gauze oiled paper sheets to bandage tied up, better stop the leakage;

    8, ice water and vinegar can be hangover: drinking, or think that the fatigue When adding the vinegar to drink some ice water, can quickly clear the hangover and fatigue. Ice water until the vinegar plus 20-40ml, but also to replenish honey or sugar;

    9, rub vinegar prepare for a long night scalp: every night before bedtime, apply a little root of vinegar to the scalp, can guard against the occurrence of the scalp;

    10, the cardigan refreshing: wool sweaters when washed in water and add a little vinegar, cardigan becomes Peugeot as new.

    tender skin freckle common vinegar

    soothing: the vinegar and the 1 to 2 tablespoons of honey, with warm boiled water, every day 2 to 3 times, take time, often to maintain, rough skin becomes Guangrun creamy. After washing the face with soap, add 1 spoonful of vinegar with warm water one by one, and then wash with water one by one, there are soothing effect. 5 copies of the vinegar and 1 part glycerin mixed, often rubbed facial skin, also has soothing effects.

    freckle: the face in case there are freckles, dark spots, will be immersed in vinegar in Atractylodes, closed 7 days later, Atractylodes Kaimo have freckles and dark spots in the area every day to keep the use of the course of time will gradually lighten freckles and dark spots or fade.

    white skin: facial skin too dark women, face and bath add a little vinegar in the water, course of time, the skin will turn white. In addition, the ability to 250 grams of fresh soy beans, 500 grams of vinegar soak for 15 days or so, eat 5-10 vinegar and soy, to fade facial pigment cool things

    top -

    girls skin compulsory ~ ~ (The following is the annual Ice since the accumulated little experience! expect a long point of the knowledge they brought it MM)

    milk face wash - - to meet face dull

    speed: 5 days

    wash with milk can help you in 5 days You trust? Generous in your skin care products has its value, natural products Quefei flat goods, no good, both of Mix & Match, as a masterpiece happen!

    makeup before the first use of milk to wash our faces. Tender milk whitening effect, many people immediately after washing the face becomes smooth, so that the powder more easily. However, before washing with milk, use cleanser cleaning of dirt, over water, wash with milk until later.


    1, the first dirt washing the face with a cleanser.

    2, in the amount of milk into the basin, with a towel stained with milk (not drying towel).

    3, light Indian face, repeat 5 to 6 times.

    4, so the milk in the face deposited 3 minutes, then rinse with water.

    Cream plus Vitamin E - to cope with wrinkles

    speed: 1 day

    cream is not enough moisture in case of detection, be able to participate in the slightest bit of vitamin E cream in the oil, before going to bed coating. Because the bed is a good opportunity to rest the skin, in particular, easily absorbed cream nutrition, and vitamin E have reduced the effectiveness of wrinkles, performance before a night, but the most consistent.

    Mask necessary before makeup - to cope with dry skin

    speed: 5 days

    deposited Mask 1 per day, to five days, the skin's moisture content will become the control should be moist. Mask is a good main course.

    carrot juice to acne - to cope with a sudden show of acne

    speed: 1 to 2 days before date 1

    major natural acne were considered unfortunate However, there are tensions solution: the intact bacterial infection, acne can be coated with hydrogen peroxide, and swelling the next day the situation should be improved. It is said that to cope with the carrot juice is also very effective acne treatment. Whenever the skin ground into delicious carrot juice, deposited in the affected area, 15 minutes and then wash with water, sooner or later one times, acne detoxification and decomposition of the fat effect.

    lemon Fuyan - to cope with bags under the eyes

    speed: 5 minutes

    have bags under the eyes of the! Do not worry, anything to help you with lemon approved eye of the But remember to apply before the immersion in water for a lemon, give the eyes covered with gauze, put two pieces of lemon look forward to 5 minutes.

    painted cream massage - to cope with dark circles

    speed: 30 seconds

    eye to black eye massage with the effectiveness of the coating in case of eye cream time, handy in the eye massage 15 to 30 times, will speed up blood circulation and lower eyelids, dark circles and even by the black dark red immediately, try it!

    high pillow to sleep - to meet find fault


    night before bed, if not help but drink the water, to try sleep a high pillow, water is not easily deposited in the upper eyelid, swollen eyes the next day are not afraid, trembling all the.

    deposited protein - meet black

    speed: 1 day

    so hard on the nose and red makeup, black is definitely not the day to do performance thing, of course, is best done early day. Way is to wash after cracking the egg, the protein applied to the nose, then Pack (not included soft cotton) deposited in the above wash on paper, to be 10 to 15 minutes wash on paper is dry, pull the cotton from the bottom paper, the effectiveness of most to Black, but remember, tissue removed, must take on the alcohol-free toner.

    water deposited lip - to cope with peeling

    speed: 15 minutes

    drying and easy peeling lips, lipstick to when the notice, do not use hand-tear? No! Will see blood, but also easy to cause allergy symptoms, quality is first coated with a thick layer of lip balm, apply a cotton pad soaked in hot water for 15 minutes on the lips. Then brush, brush lightly lips, lip skin can be washed off.

    skin care category in the process of vitamin A

    Class vitamin A and vitamin A is both coherent and different substances, and its trade name RetinA or Renova. Vitamin A class is the top thing on the skin, particularly on the epidermal skin cells can enhance growth factor (EGF) which stimulate the skin's natural growth hormone response of. Class of vitamin A which can make the incidence of skin cells in a normal career situation. Involved in the care process the event class of vitamin A, a month later, the skin will make significant improvements, the skin will be more soft, wrinkle reduction, scar shallow, pores decreases.

    but pass under reasonable conditions, coating or Renova, will make the skin thinner, add the skin sensitive to sunlight, thus, skin experts in Europe and America? starlings limonene Shao Yu Song Yun meal inclusive process cutting cape Send Metaplexis stauntoni bad hat bad fear of exposing ┓'m more scared ┬ Ting ⒆ meal of the day the media condemnation of Ψ under the Farm car Fu alcohol. Or the use of anti-wrinkle skin cream or night cream Seamless L'Oreal, with one by one every 3 days, and co-application of vitamin A alcohol, the results better.

    to face, fix things, which pass under reasonable conditions, many cosmetics have increased plaque reduction for vitamin C. To this end, the use of the beach can crush this great qualities of vitamin C, sponsored by light brown skin spots, skin get deep moisture. Facts confirm that the use of too many beach beauty with dimension C in skin care products, I feel that the standard achieved significantly improved collagen, the skin more resilient and shiny. Thus, experts initiatives, some of the beach has a sun crush the effectiveness of the trial of new skin care products, such as SPF of 15 Revlon Cream Victoria C partition.

    to explore the effectiveness of some of the metals copper is necessary for collagen fusion, such as copper. When the copper content in the skin cells to rise, the fusion of collagen added. However, copper is a toxic metal, which, in front to show the patent has been made not only did not the toxicity of copper peptides Moreover, integration may promote collagen, wound healing, the top things to smooth wrinkles. Thus, Europe has a very good on the market penetration of the Blue Copper Firming Elasticity Repair Night Cream and Neutrogena is a good choice of beautiful sandy beaches.

    with water-based lip gloss lip repair Lips

    is very weak, cast the lips gently defense supplies, helping to reduce dark black lips Shen idea generation. However, this seems not enough, because sometimes become very thin lips, in fact, that even if the sun breeds signs of collagen loss. While collagen injections to make lips and skin to restore some of their strength, but healthy but no benefit at all, so Europe will follow the usual crush of persuasion skin care experts, taking water-based lip gloss in order to get a good repair.

    detailed control of summer oil control

    shiny link

    1, clean: the real choice of warm fresh facial cleanser can not only wash the skin can remove oils and dust residue of cosmetics, face the order, the first clean, forehead and nose, chin and cheeks and then, following from the bottom up, the order from outside to inside, you can completely clean the skin.

    watch out: not with cold water to wash your face, because summer is always sweating, sweaty face, and skin temperature relative to the control, suddenly stimulated by the cold water will arouse facial tightening the skin pores, making the pores in the oil, sweat can not immediately be cleaned out, do the outcome is to enlarge the pores of the skin, sensitive skin and even may result in acute inflammation! The oily skin, acne and even acne can easily show. Accurate way is to use warm water. So both protect the pores enough to start, and not leave the skin's natural moisture loss over oil.

    2, Lift: the ability to choose a number of alcoholic content containing toner, it looks swift evaporation of the skin, tightening pores breeds take the heat, the dirt discharge mouth of the hair follicle, sebum,mac makeup, etc. , deep clean pores, so skin fresh Shuangjie. Application contained traces of alcohol toner, not only shrink the pores, restrain oil production, but also to regulate acid-base balance of the skin, sponsorship of compensation water, the use of toner may be applied on cotton. In case of skin were sensitive to the use of alcohol is not good Lifting water.

    3, moist: and more to prevent oil emulsion, should be used to clear a new type of cream or lotion, to immediately compensate for water. AHA also able to take care of special effects products. Mysterious skin oils acid secretion can be balanced, restrained form of acne, with school, but also can reduce wrinkles. Of course, with the acid products, and then coated with a layer of emulsion formulations containing sunscreen to defend against tanning sunburn. While oily skin is more than the control sebum secretion, but also easy to show the appearance of dry, fill any type of moisture on the skin are very major.

    4, the care: choices real warm exfoliating cream or scrub products, 1-3 times per week, within the pores to sweep away the dirt; reduce the formation of acne due to excessive fat occurrence, but also to make results more moisturizing skin care products do the top, T-zone acne easily able to apply for modulating T zone skin care products to clean the end result.

    5, Maintenance: eat less fat, sugar, fried foods,mac brushes, to prevent alcohol and other irritating foods. Eat more vegetables and fruits, available lilies, green beans, stewed white fungus, etc. Some cool down summer drinks.

    control oil 3 large errors

    ■ Myth # 1 frequently wash oil control to shiny

    not be able to grease the entire cleansed. Many people to always wash your face will not help in the summer, hoping to wash the more the less oil. Facts, the normal secretion of the skin of oil and water should be in a balanced situation, the case is easy to wash away the skin surface may be siphoning off the oil, will form the secretion of water and oil is not balanced, but will stimulate the sebaceous glands secrete more oil. From this meaning that, the pay is the focus of oil control. Choice of oil control products which focus on oil control unless the consequences, but also the moisture of discretion results of the product itself, only a moderate supply of non-oily skin hydration, the skin to water and oil balance modulating the best situation, the ability to leave the real shiny . Clean the skin too far out of the oil situation will make the skin more severely. When the skin feel dry, skin glands secrete oil, cleansing fire will be more numerous skin glands secrete oil, which even more devastating skin oils reason.

    ■ Myth # 2 until puberty, many people want to control oil

    that controls the oil will run into problems of adolescence, in fact, otherwise. According to a study stated that among women in Asia, balance problems caused by oil production at 37.2 years, reach the top. 5-7 years after the peak, excess sebum will be aroused enlarged pores. This situation is not to be controlled early, then the case of large pores will not stop with the passage of time reversal.

    ■ Myth # 3 Oil Control is a woman thing

    hormones affect the skin oil secretion is one of the factors. The male hormone testosterone in dihydrotestosterone true, will lead to sebaceous glands, so that an increase in the face grease, so men, the most significant characteristics of the skin even more out of fuel. Thus, men more than women need to watch out oil control.

    DIY oil to mask

    1, cucumber surface covered: chopped cucumber, out of sauce, wrap it in the face, little adsorption with gauze to stop the drop mobility, 10 minutes after the wash.

    2, lemon egg surface covered: take the slightest bit of baking soda and egg yolk mix, in 12 drops of lemon juice, mix well enough in the face and wash after 15 minutes.

    3, oat milk surface covered: oatmeal with milk, to tune into a paste, apply on the face, 10-wash with warm water after 15 minutes, then rinse in cold water.

    4, pear almond oil surface covered: the six pears cooking, cool, mash, add 1 tablespoon almond oil, stir well enough in the face. Oily skin can become tender, and can to rid acne.

    5, honey and garlic facial: first water wet surface and then, the slightest dip with garlic honey and gently wipe the oily parts of the face, to clear the oil. All courses of 15 days, wiping 15 times the first day of the next day, wiping 14 times ... ... and so on, eventually one day rub 1, after the conclusion may become a

    ========== rescue thirteen beautiful little secret ========

    too red blush, nail damage, the main meeting with acne ... ... when suddenly the embarrassing moment caught off guard when he arrived, some magic formula to help you girls Emergency beautiful.

    1, embarrassing moment: when they were comrades cry and saw, just mascara is not waterproof.

    emergency recipe: found dressing, moving around to get the lip balm, hand cream like lotion, apply a little at the moment, and then gently wipe with a tissue. If it did not cream? Take a tissue wet mouth, you can remover the light. Secret is to spend in the makeup before the save.

    2, embarrassing moment: you want to wear backless dress, as dry and scaly skin like a ceiling Moreover, sun shades.

    emergency secret: the valuables of the bath brush to brush the skin cells die of old age, and then more warm milk bath, warm water shower. Such as the skin has not yet dry, moist cast latex, rub a little more. In case that, with dark skin near the foundation evenly to cover the spent skin.

    3, embarrassing moment: taking pictures a long day of waking up found that the nose pieces acne.

    emergency recipe: In case of acne have white pus head, heat, and then gently broken with a paper towel to squeeze acne. If pus was coming to the fore the skin surface is not capable of applying vitamin E cream, and acne with a concealer brush in place, coated with foundation, then lightly dip your fingers to the remaining foundation, and ultimately, rushed and full color similar to honey powder, blush play a bit thick.

    acne should not emerge when the show is really disturbing pieces of things, in order to prevent such embarrassment, Allah shall not have acne at the revelation to watch out clean skin.

    4, embarrassing moment: keep away dandruff can just wear black clothes.

    emergency recipe: Buy a small bottle of shampoo dandruff shampoo packaging, did not condition the hair will be wet, and then Shucheng cauda equina.

    emergency can only be so, in order to no longer embarrassed, we should watch out on weekdays!

    , embarrassing moment: to see her boyfriend, yet at the cosmetics counter is painted like a Fengchennvlang, only 10 minutes to rescue friends.

    emergency recipe: approaching another counter to get some milk and skin care makeup makeup trial, to the bathroom to wash his face makeup. Excellent wet towel around me and quickly to another counter on a little foundation, and then a little lip gloss enough.

    6, embarrassing moment: just finished the skin tone, face came out with a rash.

    emergency recipe: use cold water or with no added agents Cleanser cleansing the face, the new products from the skin to erase, and wipe dry in full when it has not yet painted thin layer of Vaseline, with some ice in the face, will be able to calm the skin swift.

    may be allergic to new products, and thus the use of new product, excellent test of yourself whether

    allergic skin itching, always wanted to scratch a few times; some parts of the emergence of erythema may large flushing; skin burning or pain present; some significant swelling; grow small lump on the skin,mac makeup wholesale, but unlike acne; show with a string of small blisters; part of the skin rot

    in case you have two or more? chu, and the word nose trouble ⒆ Alex sentenced female し Mi Guo Jie Kang Cut Air sacrificial victim flounder are Asahara Long?

    7, embarrassing moment: Carnival to the night, waking up the next day and found swollen bags under the eyes, but also to work ah ! How to do?

    emergency recipe: To remove eye puffiness can be a few pieces of ice with a towel and wrap it in the eye on the situation immediately to reduce swelling. Perhaps the use tea bags, cucumber slices deposited on the face. Point, concealer, eye makeup Not too much rest, work pretending to be cool to wear sunglasses. Next home drunk, do not forget to drink plenty of honey water before bed, pillows and cushions in the back of the head, eyes the next day is not too swollen.

    these small tips to sponsor you to ease this situation:

    (1) put on some massage cream, then the method with the middle finger to press on the eyelid from the inside out by depressing the temple, then press the temples along the lower eyelid to eyelid and nose? phase at, so travel times can be the top things to promote blood circulation around the eye.

    (2) the use of heat, use hot towels handy when you wash your face, cover the eyes, apply more than a few times, just boil for complete removal of the night, or tired, especially the top two things.

    8, embarrassing moments: flying to Europe to participate in the exhibition, due to the length of time of flight, the skin were affected significantly Moreover, the beginning of the surface of the skin was red.

    emergency recipe: in this case should be immediately bagged a cup of tea with milk, apply to the face, which immediately made to ease the skin.

    dry air over the plane confused coarse hair scattered.

    emergency recipe: In a thick layer of hair rubbed ointment saws, and pull the hair in the back of the head of a hair, dry hair to prevent chaos. Is only necessary to cut grease quickly washed to the hotel.

    aircraft in the dry air can make your hair becomes coarse, explain that you normally have very dry hair. Therefore should focus on custody of the normal give hair a healthy

    9,vibram 5 fingers, embarrassing moment: broken nails, nail polish can spot gorgeous barge, the most love the sweater also hook broken.

    emergency recipe: buy a bottle of bright quick-drying nail polish quickly, drop between the cracks in the nails, to save the situation worse. Band-Aid adhesive tape may be translucent and then nail the top to enclose.

    Band-Aid may have found a transparent tape, nail clippers less than buy it! Hook was broken sweater, quickly knotted it at the break!

    10, embarrassing moment: I was makeup artist, hair present a model of a particular time to do make-up mascara actually been done. Too disgrace friends.

    Emergency secret: think of the way an idea - instead mascara with Vaseline to make. Later found to make the eyes look more moist so more of God, Huo Liang and sexy. Such kind of thinking that I benefit in future career in the deal, I would probably cream commonly used in lip gloss applied to eyebrows, so eyebrows look even more shiny, and will surprise the outcome was.

    really great experience, really do have a lot of make-up supplies to GM it! Coffee pretty generous with the eyebrow pencil a magic number,

    11, embarrassing moment: There is one by one participating Party, just to be ready to go, suddenly that apply makeup on the skin just feel tingling, pain, always been a bit itchy, and even touch to touch to the makeup to get flowers .

    emergency secret: do not always make the skin, often on the heavy makeup, to the so tense situation. If your skin is sensitive, the side ready to relieve some of the emergency with the performance of the latex skin is absolutely necessary, a painted face, the pain of the skin immediately to restore the fresh, bare office in the foundation of the emulsion with some such, Powder Blush and point to the light, save only the make-up Lip, ability through the uncomfortable moments.

    12, embarrassing moment: when the make-up did not eyelash curler, eye appears flagging.

    emergency recipe: a cotton swab it, perhaps a spoon, provided the following with it flat on the eyelashes, withstood the roots of eyelashes and look forward to for a while, immediately had the look, there eyelash curler the.

    13, embarrassing moment: never make-up, but suddenly a customer site. Hand only a lipstick.

    emergency recipe: I used the thumb to lipstick painted on the face, more than any makeup is useless. Will face an immediate rosy blush with your fingers spread out that is so smooth, generous Moreover, the color will save more permanent. Eyelash curler do not find the time, spoon side to help you deal with this problem.

    the beauty of the girl will always make themselves look better with make-up energy. Can not make-up girl than a lot more dangerous, such as those above, embarrassing situation. Can not have both fish and bear's paw, and only when the accumulation of the Seven Wonders of the technology make it! In addition, the prevalence of translucent makeup of this year, will cut a lot of cumbersome.

    ====== skin care: the rapid removal of acne wash method ====== stacked layers, see if you are worried that the acne, you sure have tried many ways, the top thing you ? The wash method you tried it? May be just the treatment of acne is in line with your great assistant too! Somewhat heterogeneous, but the system, to see well myself!

    3 分钟 cleansing method

    1, be prepared to tender a clean dry towel and a small irritant neutral soap;

    2, the soap in warm water ( 22-23 degrees) in the rub foaming, foam the better. Holding it with both hands wash the foam, wash for 1 minute. Do not be too hard, if that pain to rest.

    3, then with hot water (38-40 degrees) wash for 20 seconds, and back to warm water rinse for 20 seconds, Repeat three times. If better with shower, face away from the nozzle about a punch, while facial spray (hot water), while the belly with your fingers tapping the face. Then spray the water thermostat 20 seconds.

    4, with a dry towel and wipe the water face first, then gently pressed face water.

    5, the final coat has astringent lotion, coated with a tight feeling after that, you can multi-coated several times. must sooner or later the law

    one by one. On the early, middle and late stages of acne have significant results. Face method is the following extension of this Law and continuous.

    gauze face France:

    cleansing method in the use of 3 minutes after 1 month, whether or not acne reduction, can be transferred to this Act, which Intermediate face surgery are:

    1, prepare a towel, soap and a piece of gauze;

    2, first a small piece of folded gauze, dipped in soap bubbles, wash the forehead, chin, nose etc.;

    3, then gauze wrapped around two fingers in the head index and middle fingers, dipped soap bubbles, gently wash the cheeks with gauze and the entire central part of the face;

    4, the final gauze around the index finger, dipping gently scrub soap bubbles under the soft skin of the eyelids, in case that there is irritation or pain to rest. If you still feel pain the next day, that is the cause of scrub too hard. At the moment at least 4 days to perform the

    5, middle face wash every two days the first week of law one by one, every day of the second week of washing one by one, wash one by one every third week.

    Higher wash method:

    held one month after middle face law, if the results can be transferred to this Law.

    1, prepared soap, towels and a white cotton gloves (thin texture and good), and the middle finger of a glove, index finger and ring finger at the cut to form the three finger;

    2, first full gloves soap bubble dipping gently scrub all face. Creamy skin may wear a finger in the index and middle fingers, dipping all the facial cleansing foam;

    3, then the index finger, middle finger and ring finger are put on, scrub lightly stained cheeks soap bubble , forehead and chin;

    4, took off his finger, only the index finger to save the finger, dipped under the soft foam gently scrub the skin of the eyelids, the final rinse, towel dry.

    super wash method:

    use of the first three if the acne is still retained after, can this method. Acne scars on the people who have more practical form.

    1, prepared soap, towels and a soft type of toothbrush for children;

    2, will be on the soap lather in the palm of the hand and picks up the slightest with a toothbrush;

    3, with stained foam brush gently scrub the forehead, chin and other places thick lines; and then wash face with water, foam, end-face clean, dry towel to dry the water.

    tense face France:

    This method not only for acne, wrinkles his face Moreover, the higher number is also available. Usual, the acne is oily skin who, if excessive use of degreasing soap will cause dry skin, very hard to accept. Now, le/b0-i14752028.html, to use the law to resolve.

    1, the soap with warm water in a lather in the palm of your hand, and then incorporated into the foam mindful of the basin filled with warm water and gently mix composed of the vortex;

    2, and other basins still hovering in the water immediately, the face immersion, so generous flow of foam washing the face, so 20 seconds. Then my face with clean warm water immersion in another basin, dip the foam net, and 20 seconds. This extended three times, each time changing the water and for foam;

    3, to the third water wash, you can add in the basin of warm water a few drops of moisturizing cream, and then soak for 20 seconds;

    4, the final dry with a towel or repeated pressure suction face of the water.

    ======= skin care: skin care for sensitive and allergy sensitive are different ======

    a situation, allergy is a symptoms. Sensitive skin is soft and easily affected by various stimuli; allergy refers to a variety of allergens by stimulating the skin after a red, swollen, hot, pain, itching symptoms.

    (a) reason:

    1, sensitivity: important After a first nature and the nature of the points. The former prime related with the genetic and physical; which the primary and nursed back to health properly, indiscriminate use of cosmetics, sun exposure, wind blow, skin and other factors.

    2, Allergy: the view from a food allergy factors, seasonal factors, drug factors, chemical factors, genetic factors; from the basic point of view is the free radicals cause oxidation of basophil and plump cells, damage the formation of the immune system.

    (b) the characteristics and clinical expression:

    1, sensitive: sensitive skin, thin skin, weak capillaries appear, easy red, and there was no The average flushing, itching and small rashes from time to time show.

    2, allergy: skin allergy skin hyperemia, redness, itching, rash or even show allergic acne ridden by peeling, edema.

    c) both involve

    1, sensitive: sensitive skin if care is not enough, often show red, heat, itching and other symptoms or trial with topical hormones medicine, will be transformed into allergic skin.

    2, allergies? Ae fall bow >
    (d) watch and treatment:

    1, for sensitive skin should easily aroused to prevent the consumption of food allergies and the use of drugs and cosmetics; prevent exchanges heat, alkali, electrical stimulation; Do not overdo the friction ; block UV mapping. Cold or warm water wash can be used on weekdays.

    2, once the allergy will have to watch out:

    (1) have a good state of mind: the first should be a clear representative of this allergy has not only found this product does not mean that this product does not good; are probably allergic to any cosmetics; any person may in some cases have allergies.

    (2) to ascertain the reason allergies: stay away from allergens, with sweep through the free radicals, regulating immunity, improve personal physical allergy.

    ======== skin care: skin, such as lychee-like tender =======

    recuperation of course no money to buy goods, but Menlian or to care for; fact Whenever livelihood from the usual start, easy little trick can make you very beautiful.

    because when the rough dry skin, see a little secret can easily change skin Huanen: glycerin and vinegar in a 1:5 ratio of paint on a good tune on the skin, then hold for the time being the mentality of a try used this recipe; think of only 3 weeks of work, my skin becomes smooth and carefully.

    In addition, water is the lowest healthy drink, so drink plenty of water is bound to the. Usual sugary drinks will make you fat, and the water body can promote metabolism and make you healthy and beautiful.

    many activities is also essential. I refer here not intense anaerobic activity, will only make you grow muscles; I mean some easing of activities such as cycling, brisk walking, etc., excellent links to the livelihood and usually only lightly perseverance. For example take the bus to advance one or two stop, then brisk walking home; a long down, generous body does not lose shape. Who says pretty valuable consideration must be surrendered? Easy, and can be beautiful.

    ======= Skin Care: Say goodbye to summer coarse pores and acne skin =====

    hypertonic fire umbrella, daily UV Index on the brink of No wonder the acne will be stimulated to grow. Ha ha!

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