Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The True Path To Athletic Development

Smith recounts the typical story of athlete development. The story starts with parental support, as hockey is not a cheap sport to play with all the equipment to buy and team and rink fees to pay. Chauffeuring six children to hockey practice and games can be a full-time job, and none of the children can excel without that type of support to allow the children an opportunity to develop their talents.
God is merciful, but she always does not give you all the blessing of a person. So we should not expect the full development of everyone, but literally can not do the preaching. As long as towards talents, interests, place the development of expertise, do not take into account other aspects of As, I believe, as Bill Gates discovered type of human beings around us who will be born.
We do not require all of a person, but does not require all our students. They may be naughty, naughty, they may be rebellious, they may be words stiff, they may be perverse nature ... ... but we just guide him and found him, encourage him, who can do nothing and say his future? Therefore, school education must not require students to go hand in hand, does not feature in the socalled development. In that case, our schools will never develop no outstanding talents. That is the tragedy of our nation.matter what kind of management, if the ideas come to the stage in the forefront, it must go far and go bad. School management is also facing this issue. So, what kind of ideas did not fall behind it? I would like to have such conditions, that is to follow the law of development of things, creative thinking is not off the nest nest, with remarkable sustainability. The development of the school concerned, should have the following ideas, will it be possible for schools to be rapid development.
often say that a good principal is a good school. Need to run a school teacher sincere cooperation, we need the school the healthy operation of each system and the community's strong support, but also need a good president. What kind of school, this school often depends on what one principal. President's educational philosophy, educational ideas often determines a school's educational direction. Zhu Xian straight Aichi school principal said schools, establishing schools school of thought. All their education is the biggest secret around this

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