Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Peony deer scientific name alias paeonia suffructicosa Allium

Peony deer scientific name alias paeonia suffructicosa Allium, Atractylodes, peony trees,mac brushes a hundred two gold, Kao, Luoyang flowers, Aromatic, rich families and genera of flower hair grate families, morphology Paeonia Peony is a deciduous small shrubs. Usually a 2 m stem height l, the higher up to 3 meters. Technology more Tingsheng. Leaves large, alternate, 2 back to 3 pinnate,mac makeup with a long handle. Apical leaflets, oval to oval down, 3-5 crack tip, base margin entire, lateral leaflets for the long oval, the surface green, with white powder, smooth, glabrous or pubescent. Flowers single, gender, apical diameter of 10-30 cm, stamens numerous, carpels 5, the base were all wrapped in chrysanthemum. Sepals 5. Persistent, green. Petals 5-6 pieces of the original, after cultivation, led to part or all stamens petals,north face denali as double flowers. Fewer flap called multi-leaf, petal number many as Chiba. Flowers are yellow, white, red, pink, purple, green and other colors. Orchid scientific name Cymbidium spp. Alias mountain orchid, orchids, an orchid orchid Chicago, morphological characteristics of Cymbidium orchids, single or by a majority of the flower stalk, with the length of bribery and other students in the flower stalk, arranged in racemes. Perianth total of six,blackhawks jerseys points twice inside and outside the order: three for the calyx outside the main lobe (or in the calyx), side lobe (or vice calyx, commonly known as flap with the shape, parallel to the vertical, commonly known as Students have a tough sticky pollen stamens l-3 missiles, with the flowers of nuclear combination. anthers sessile.

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