Wednesday, February 23, 2011

30 minutes of exercise to lose weight stovepipe skinny arms

thick arms and legs will make you whole human body looks unbalanced, in fact, as long as 30 minutes a day doing simple exercise, we can effectively thin arms and thin legs. Xiaobian below to recommend you exercise to lose weight slender limbs, to help you build a good body slim.
1,mac makeup, sculptures from the shoulder to the elbow of the arm between the lines
effect: relaxed muscles of the shoulder and elbow, sculpture arm curve
chair edge, hands by your sides in a chair, sit up straight, legs flat on the ground. Slowly inhale, bend both knees and elbows, buttocks left the chair, at this point to keep the shoulder and elbow of a parallel line. Slowly the arm straight back to the original position. Note that the time to do this action will not skew the shoulders to keep the upper body straight.
2, exercise forearm
effect: As part of an extension of the forearm are particularly vulnerable to obesity, this action can effectively reduce the forearm fat.
in a fixed chair, his hands holding a dumbbell or a mineral water bottle, elbows on the chair surface. Forearm perpendicular to the seat surface. Straight arms slowly forward and then slowly recovered.
3, shoulders and forearms smooth lines
effect: Unlike typical push-ups, this action by the arm and shoulder movement together to create smooth lines.
bent down, kneeling on the ground, your legs more than shoulder width, hold up the upper body straight forward fingers, toes Hing Wah Street West, and then lower elbows bent and your upper body. Do not stay back and do the movements, keep the buttocks, abdomen, back in a straight line.
4,nhl hockey, massage the legs and promote circulation
effect: massage the leg points, eliminating the problem lower body edema.
sitting, one leg straight, other leg bent and your thighs with both hands, legs and soles of the feet pressing thumb. Distribution of a lot of leg points, massage can promote blood and lymph circulation, remove excess moisture and eliminate edema.
5, show-arm side lunge
effect: increase the pelvis, thigh, waist flexibility.
left leg sideways step forward, slightly more than shoulder width, legs straight, raise both arms to the sides parallel to the shoulder. Turn body 90 degrees, left knee bent at right angles. Eyes look to the left toes. In the same way in the opposite direction to repeat.
6, if you have cellulite on the thighs and calves
effect: stretching the back of the thigh and calf muscles and reduce fat.
in a comfortable place to sit down, stretch your right leg, left leg bent, right knee at the feet attached. Your arms straight forward,north face denali, leaning forward. At this point we do not bend the right leg. The same way on the other side to repeat.
7, chubby leg biceps
effect: relaxed calf muscles
sitting position, legs stretched forward, left foot with a towel wrapped around , two hands,mac brushes, both ends of a towel, waist straight. Pull the towel, pull the left foot to the chest, legs stretched as far as possible sensory experience. Repeat the same way the opposite direction.
8, pull back the arm workout towel
effect: through the arm behind the purpose of moving to thin arm.
select the appropriate length of towel, grasp the towel with both hands behind his back elbow ends, straighten the towels. Feeling like a shower on the Chopping down a towel. The heavier the burden of too short a towel, you can choose according to their ability towel length.
(internship Editor: Yan Lili)

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