Friday, March 11, 2011

Day care Raiders Women Absolutely not think of life care killer - living at home - People in Tianjin window

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    Tianjin Binhai New Area of ​​China High-tech Zone District | Real Estate Finance Sankei New Financial Technology Exhibition | Car | Digital | Travel | Education | Cool is still sports goods is still 3G | City do | Military | Video | Special summary content: MM said he often heard the side of deposition mask or eye mask while sitting or watching TV programs online, anyway, eye idle is idle. If you are so
    error: side of the Internet side of the dressing Eye Mask
    right: upright posture will make you always deposited mask Mask faster
    anti-aging, is a lifelong career, not overnight, not intermittent, but can not ignore the details of life. I am most relaxed moments, bathing, bath, apply mask the details of ... ... there are always maintained in the brain flash, would like to share with you. The would like to remind you that deposited mask, eye mask, neck membrane, when you lie down.
    often heard MM say that they apply mask or eye mask side while sitting or watching TV programs online, anyway, eye idle is idle. If you are so
    more irresistible than the wrinkles of aging phenomenon is loose! Gravity, leading to sagging of the very important and force majeure, accounting for 20% of the overall aging process. Every minute of our skin are affected by the pull of gravity, the direction of the skin relaxation is always downward. Stephanie asked about the maintenance of Taiwan's first beauty tips, always the first closing argument - soft against gravity. Our upright posture, sitting or standing, deposited mask, eye mask, neck membrane, no weight is to increase the skin, thereby increasing the pull of gravity on the skin's role?
    to mask, for example, we generally apply mask week 2 to 3 times or, worse, whitening, moisturizing, cleaning, compact, and so mask every day shifts apply. The type of mask, now the most popular mask is individually wrapped in sheet, as health, convenience, the essence of content. Each sheet mask weight at least 20g. Mask deposited upright posture, the cumulative result of continued, is to make your skin faster relaxation.
    so few like him to pamper yourself to 15 minutes,vibram five fingers, losers do not do, lie down! Do not worry about that mask, eye mask or neck membrane,vibram 5 fingers, to lie to lie down and apply. If you want to meet the steam bath can not only shower, then coated with a thin layer of cream to form products.
    If you're tired that day, remember to set the alarm, do not accidentally fall asleep and wake up to skin mask hand, sucked all the moisture.
    error: both use a variety of cream
    right: one with a cream
    modern man is happy, for our period of life, the beauty business, many scientists in the laboratory study buried; modern man is, unfortunately, in the era of information explosion, the temptation too easily become blind, and blind obedience. Take your skin care products, the essence of the most refined products, are often very distressed to see the water of their help: species can not be used in conjunction with 3,4? cream using a variety of order? will not react right? I, the essence of so many demands are not the same effect, moisturizing, Blemish, brighten, and anti-oxidation, wrinkle,insanity dvd, oil control, rendering the ... ... we feel the essence of their skin every need, So they all bought.
    I'm dizzy!
    cream products because of nutrient rich, high concentration of small molecules that can quickly penetrate the skin deep, compared with ampoules higher concentration of these products, cream products, irritating, less discomfort So welcome. But today's skin care is not how much you painted, but how much your skin can absorb!
    cream product, a variety of make-up water; cream product, a variety of emulsion creams, sunscreen and makeup during the day there, the skin overwhelmed! Oh, the skin also will protest, larger pores, dull, take pox ... ... you would be wasted.
    My advice is, once only an essence. For example, L-C during the day containing the whitening essence, collaborative sunscreen antioxidant against free radicals; night acid containing anti-aging products, nutritional rehabilitation for deeper penetration of the ingredients.
    up, using both extracts. Using both 3 and 3 or more of the essence, I feel no need, the skin can not absorb.
    superimposed with the essence of time, pay attention to use the order of molecular products in the first use of the deepest, generally follow the Wrinkle - Whitening - Moisturizing - Oil Control the order of the first anti-wrinkle, oil control Finally. There are exceptions, such as the skin IPSA essence require the self (make-up water and the emulsion one) behind the high wire milled moisturizing cream for all skin care products require before, including the make-up water before. Therefore, the use of products before you read the instructions.
    final reminder,mac makeup, the products containing acid products can not be used together with hyaluronic acid, hyaluronic acid because the acid will destroy the molecular structure. Everyone is still only a girl, the essence of a bar.

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