Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dinner, 5 points to grasp fruit diet

mention many women lose weight, are first thought of eating dinner. Although we do not advocate excessive dieting to lose weight, but many people still want to lose weight through diet easy ways to make themselves lose weight. Next, thin Xiaobian you recommend a reasonable, viable long-term weight loss diet - fruit dinner to lose weight.
reason for a dinner of fruit weight loss: According to the habit of residents, the largest component of the general dinner, accounting for 40% of energy intake day, or even more. If you do not eat dinner, instead of using fruit, usually 25% -30% reduction of energy intake, thereby decreasing body weight.
dinner fruit diet Reason 2: the dinner dishes rich in fat and salt intake is usually most throughout the day. If you do not eat dinner, with fruit instead, will be conducive to develop a light taste, a significant reduction in fat and salt intake. An easy to lean less fat, less salt, two bodies of water retention is not likely to occur on the slim help.
dinner fruit diet Reason 3: the mechanism of the body in the morning vibrant, metabolism high, and the evening quiet rest in preparation for the internal finishing. Eat light food at night, is conducive to digestion and absorption of the body to reduce the burden, and focus on the maintenance of tissues and organs, which is in good health. The so-called
4 dinner fruit weight loss reasons: Most women like to eat fruit, if at night to eat a plate of fruit, even if do not eat the food, the majority of women do not feel very sorry. Because the normal to eat breakfast and lunch, they have a chance in the day to enjoy the other foods were delicious, the food at dinner time would not be much of a particular yearning. So,mac makeup, way to lose weight eating fruit dinner easy to implement, there are feasible.
However, this weight loss method has its attention, not everyone can be successful. The most important thing is the following:
points a weight loss of fruit dinner: dinner eat the fruit, not necessarily eating an apple. Those who do not sweet fruit concentration is not high energy,nhl hockey, such as the kiwi, dragon fruit, strawberry, citrus, etc., the number can be a little more, both to increase satiety, but also supply more nutrients. Of course, you can choose some vegetables.
dinner fruit weight points 2: This method does not belong to rapid weight loss, not lean jin three days, only thin kilograms a month. May wish to adopt a Do not weigh every day. As long as a day of each month, said the same body weight, there must be a happy outcome.
dinner fruit weight points 3: Using this method, you can not reduce the amount of physical activity a day. Should have a little evening activities, but be sure to get an early night, staying up late to avoid the hungry, and could hold and then you eat snacks. If the night is really hungry, drink unsweetened fruit tea optional and milk and soy milk, do not touch the cookies puffed snack food and the like things.
dinner fruit diet Point 4: Since the dinner food only fruit, but fruit can not provide enough protein and B vitamins, vitamin ADEK, etc., so breakfast and lunch should be noted that the supply of protein foods to improve nutrition quality. Brunch is not the best dessert sweets and fried foods, and some protein-rich food. Better to eat beans, the staple food grains in order to increase the B vitamins and vitamin E. If not rest assured,vibram five fingers, you can add a complex B vitamins.
dinner fruit weight element 5: Our residents generally inadequate calcium intake, weight loss and most likely during calcium deficiency, but lack of calcium can be seen after many years, so the women must pay great attention to weight the supply of calcium . Recommended in a day have a cup of milk or yogurt, plus a bean and a green leafy vegetables. This can ensure an adequate supply of essential calcium. Feeling hungry at night, in addition to fruit can add a small cup of yogurt.
In fact, we do not have to eat so much of this, so greasy. Do not eat dinner, turned down the dinner, not only can lose weight, but also reduce the intake of pollutants,insanity dvd, but also make the body more easily. As long as a few more points to lose weight dinner of fruit, fruit dinner but also to ensure nutritional balance, can long time to go, have both beauty and health, would not happy!
(internship Editor: Yan Lili)

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