Thursday, March 17, 2011

Winter approaching !

 Focus on the most complete Raiders skin moistureYou are here: Health Channel> winter approaching the body of health news at home and abroad! Focus on the most complete Raiders skin moisture December 7, 2010 08:29:35 Source: 39 Health Net Community 54697922010-12-07 08:29:35.0 winter approaching! Focus on the most complete Raiders skin moisturizing the skin, skin care, moisturizer, beauty 8,228,977 domestic and international health news / enpproperty -> dry, dry, dry, cheeks are dry, eyes are dry, place in the end be considered how moisture ? mixed partial oil skin, what will change in the winter? Let us share the guidance of experts on the AMY.
moisturizing skin changes seasonality also changed
more attention whitening, oil control, and national training manager for L'Oreal Paris, Qin, if any, said: comments Oh, we can see how important moisturizing!
water only when the skin is saturated, the effect of other care will be good. And long pimples, problems arise easily out of oil, to some extent also due to imbalance of water and oil. When I heard that he is mixed AMY dry skin, I feel incredible, always thought he was mixed partial oil it. Qin, if any to explain to her status of a person's skin changes with changes in external conditions, including seasonal, geographical, environmental and so on. phenomenon. So you have to adjust skin care programs, and appropriate to add moisture and oil.
method of moisturizing products on the fishes
select the most suitable products, proper use, care and do the basic position, is the key to ensure that the skin enough moisture. If L'Oreal in Paris, where Qin moist moisturizing series, for example, guidance AMY mixed in dry skin for the :
is a very dry winter season, care is necessary to strengthen the moisture. Therefore, cleansing products can be used AMY nose relatively thick parts of the skin pores, so the toner can choose the
star product all day moisturizing cream, moisturizing care of is essential, and it contains pure SPA mineral spring water, can continue to pay 24 hours for the skin; also contains a wealth of minerals and vitamins, can enhance the skin's natural defenses capacity. It is also used as a mask - a thick coat in the face, gently massage, the skin can instantly add the loss of water daily.
Finally do not forget to water gels with moist weather seal in moisture is not lost, and with the
winter a little more nourishing eye care
and, like many other skin care expert opinion, Qin also think that if any, to improve dark circles, you have to adjust some habits from the start - do not stay up late; often turn the eye, increased eye movement, relieve fatigue, but also promote the tear secretion, moist eyes; complemented by cream and massage to promote blood circulation; night not to excessive intake of salt, water and so on. More importantly, do not just care about the black eye, in the dry winter, there will be a lot of eyes and other problems will have it.
Eye lack oil glands, in the autumn and winter, the eye more easily than other parts of drying, the lack of moisturizing. Therefore, the choice creamy eye cream, jelly-like than to bring a better effect of moisture cream. AMY L'Oreal Paris, before the choices are moist eye cream, Qin who think that if this oil-free Eye Gel, is more suitable for a simple black eye for the prevention and improvement of friends, and for AMY, 25, the skin has been issued signals of other requirements, so more suitable for eye care cream, to an overall improvement in dark circles, eliminate puffiness, and prevent fine lines and give some winter skin nourishing eye.
selected young creamy eye cream, more or less fears of fat granule. If any side shows side Qin said: If the texture of creamy eye cream is very thin, and quickly absorbed, generally will not appear fat granule. At the same time also to moderate the amount of eye cream is appropriate - different brands, different products, the amount required varies according to the needs of individual skin of the eye to adjust, but do not grasp the logic of the Word: Do not save, do not bite off more than Oh. Finally, note that tap the eye, the skin until the cream is completely absorbed.
Do not pick more than the addition of black also not crowd
AMY feel that their pores so big,blackhawks jerseys, there are black, so ugly, the total could not help but want to squeeze. Qin If the patient who advised her to have to deal with, do not squeeze his hand.
adsorbed by the pores dirt, piled in the pore mouth, oxidation to form a blackhead. Extrusion process easier so that the pores loose, so that it is even more powerful expansion. Many people also prefer to use
they still recommend it more secure way -
1, focus daily on the skin, especially in parts of the nose completely clean.
2, on a regular basis, or T zone area in the nose to do special care, such as the adsorption of clay type mask or blackhead cleansing mask for deep cleaning.
3, Special Note: first with warm water and mild cleaning products to clean the skin to keep pores clean; then adsorptive cleansing mask; after the toner with Baozhan convergence, but also a piece of cotton had been iced Fuyu nose, so that the pores rapidly convergent. This periodic operation, you can not see black, pores clean.
Recommended: winter moisturizer
100 yuan
do not think that there is no good thing under a hundred, only the application and skin care products do not apply, there is no distinction between good and bad, as long as their own, I believe there are good things in the supermarket.
1, AVON / Avon Moisture Gel
bargains who do not like this even if one of them, can quickly add thirsty skin needs moisture, fragrance-free due to no grease used for almost all skin, but feels a bit sticky after use, so most people in the basic skin care will use this as a night mask replenishment
2, Qing Fei water screensavers Moisturizer
pure made in China, known as the compound formed gentle glycerin and natural lecithin emulsion system, as no stimulation, no allergies, and feel comfortable, have a stronger sense of absorption, generally shed the skin even with this two or three days to alleviate such effects in the domestic products can not fail to praise.
3, Pune & Mild moisturizing beauty cream Park
Shiseido's cheap brand, of course, does not mean no good goods cheap, this is one of the cheapest prices, satisfactory efficacy, relatively heavy texture for dry skin winter use, scalability, very good, easy to push open, and no sticky feeling, with a touch of flowers, a day after using the skin feeling very moist.
4, ZA / Ji Rui cool Moisture Gel
also Shiseido's brand, also oil-free formula for oily skin replenishment, in all colleges and universities have a reputation BBS forum beauty products was a gel like paste, use a cool feeling of moisture, and absorbed quickly, with more pat has absorbed.
100-200 yuan
Select the grade surface slightly more, although many brands, but the cream of the crop is not easy to do things by word of mouth is the test of time.
1, Aupres / Oupo
Balanced moisturizing cream a story of this brand,mac makeup, most people would recommend this product, not only because it is based skin care products, but also because of its effect, absorb quickly, moisturizing effect is remarkable, cost-effective.
another brand from Japan, many of its products, although this is called WHITENING, but considered one of the basic materials for mixed skin types, even in the north is also suitable for dry weather, the same university BBS Beauty forums reputation goods.
3, Vichy / Vichy Cream
pharmacy brands from France, known for sensitive skin to use it, in terms of moisture has been known to S1, and S1 out this fx1 was launched a few years to upgrade the product, its moisturizing effect, as always, outstanding, refreshing not greasy, and the skin can be absorbed rapidly, the only apparent effect of regret a little slow.
200-500 yuan
to this file, the mall most of the counter products can ease your choice, on the basis of moisturizing ingredients in terms of roughly the same, but choose the more segments.
1, Biotherm / Biotherm active springs were exposed
hot springs known from the Alps, has been known to moisturize, this product is not only the brand's flagship product, to pink, green, and blue divided into different types of skin used, kind of a little sting after wiping prickly skin sensation to drink water for many people like, moisturizing effectiveness.
2, Clarins / Clarins Santal Oil
plant from France brand,mac brushes, its products a lot of word of mouth, Santal oil are also considered one of the classic, suitable for dry skin, especially the way the formula with a special, pay a multiplier effect, and a unique approach called moisture at the same time prevent wrinkles, especially for dry skin at night.
3, Clinique / Clinique MOISTURE Moisturizing Cream
This is both a famous dry skin, skin allergy known for its use also won a lot of female customers, good ductility, moisture very long time.
4,vibram 5 fingers, Elizabeth Arden / Elizabeth. Arden 8-hour moisturizing cream
product comes with the amazing story that this promotion of basic goods was quickly opened, because they do not add flavor makes the feel more like a facelift rather than the pharmacy care products using the product, the taste alone is enough to calm, easy to open , moisture time and satisfactory, the only fly in the ointment is the ingredient that contains cause pox, acne skin should be used with caution.
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